According to the results of research employees of the Department received 236 patents for inventions and utility models. Over the past five years, teachers of the department published 4 monographs and more than 50 scientific papers.

To implement the theoretical and experimental research students are actively involved. As a consequence, all the final qualification of the "specialists" and "masters" are based on the results of such studies, and many of them successfully participate in the All-Ukrainian competition of students research papers.

Talent students are awarded certificates based on the results of scientific reports on the All-Ukrainian conferences, held annually on the basis of SSU, including - at the department of general mechanics and dynamics of machines.

Марцинковский В.А. "Устройство для измерения давления в любой точке щелевого уплотнения", 1962. Марцинковский В.А. и др. "Уплотнение вала", 1968.
Марцинковский В.А., Кревсун Э.П. "Уплотнение вращающегося вала", 1977. Марцинковский В.А., Васильев В.А. "Гидродинамический вибровозбудитель", 1983.
In 1997 the head of Department of General Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines, PhD, Professor V.A. Martsynkovskyy was given the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science of Ukraine" for outstanding achievements in scientific and educational work.

The head of Department of General Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines, PhD, Professor V.A. Martsynkovskyy was given the rank "Honoured Professor of Kielce University of Technology" (Kielce, Poland).


За визначні заслуги в науковій та навчально-виховній роботі завідувачу кафедри д.т.н., проф. В.А Марцинковському у 1997 р. було присвоєне почесне звання „Заслужений діяч науки і техніки України”.

In 2008, Ph.D., assistant professor Yulia Tarasevich received a grant of President of Ukraine for young scientists to carry out research work on the theme "Development of the probabilistic method of calculating the characteristics of the system "rotor-bearing-seals" in order to increase reliability and efficiency of centrifugal machines".