

Associate professor of the Department of Computational Mechanics named after Volodymyr Martsynkovskyy

Academic status

Associate professor

Scientific Degree

Doctor Engineer Diploma (PhD, Engineering)


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Basic education "Dynamics and strength", mechanical engineer, 2003, Sumy State University
Scientific Degree

Doctor Engineer Diploma (PhD, Engineering), Specialty: Dynamic and Strength of Machines, Thesis Theme: "Structural strength of combined high-pressure cylinders", Sumy State University, 2015

Academic status Associateprofessor of General Mechanics and Machine Dynamics Department of Sumy State University, 2015
Work Experience 11, 2006 - present
lecturer Sumy State University;
07.2003 - 11.2003
engineer of TRIZ LLC, Sumy.
Research interests Dynamics of the stress-strain state of layered composite shells with imperfections.
Composite and combined high-pressure cylinders.
List of major publications


Scopus ID: 57209256636

Web of Science ResearcherID: GCP-0549-2022

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