During the 14 years defended 56 doctoral dissertations on specialty "Dynamics and strength of machines".

Since 1995 in SumSU works the Specialized Scientific Council K 55.051.03 for defense of theses, including the specialty 05.02.09 - "Dynamics and Strength of Machines" (from 2006).

Chairman - Head of the Department of General Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines, PhD, professor V.A. Martsynkovskyy, specialty 05.05.17, 05.02.09. Deputy Chairman - PhD, Professor V.I. Symonovskyy Scientific Secretary - PhD E.M. Savchenko, specialty 05.05.17.

The term of Specialized Scientific Council K 55.051.03 - from 14.04.2010 till 14.04.2013.


40007, Sumy, Rimskiy-Korsakov str., 2
Sumy State University
Main Building, 10th Floor

Chairman - office G-1006
Deputy Chairman - office G-1010b
Scientific Secretary - office G-1005

/fax: (0542) 33-35-94
(0542) 68-77-76
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