Under the leadership of the head of the department, doctor of technical sciences, professor Martsinkovskyy V.A. formed a scientific school, recognizing the achievements of which was the opening of 29th January 1981 the Industrial Research Laboratory of Vibration Reliability and Tightness of Centrifugal Machines of the Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering of the USSR, which was the impetus for further development of theoretical and experimental studies on the orders of the leading research centers and engineering companies.
On the basis of the laboratory had concluded agreements with the leading enterprises of the USSR Ministry of General Machine-Building:
- Research Institute of Thermal Processes (Moscow, Russia)
- SPA "Energomash" of Academician V.P. Glushko (Khimki, Russia)
- Design Bureau of Chemical Automatics (Voronezh, Russia) and other
According to the research
- created and brought to the practical use a fundamentally new design of seals in ultra-high parameters for turbopump assembly of liquid jet space launch vehicles
- developed modern methods and programs for calculating of vibration characteristics of high-speed rotors, turbo pumps, taking into account the hydrodynamic effects in the throttling channel
Much work was carried out to improve reliability, efficiency and radiation safety of nuclear power stations pumping equipment on the orders of VNIIAEN (Sumy), Zaporizhzhya NPP, Rivne NPP (Ukraine) and Ignalina (Lithuania).
As a result of these studies
- developed a new methodology for effective vibration monitoring and forecasting of the technical condition of centrifugal machines
- created new seals design, providing a multiple increase of the resource and reducing leakage
- proposed and implemented in engineering practice methods for calculating critical speeds, forced oscillation parameters and limits of nonlinear dynamical stability of the closed hydraulic system "rotor-seals"
- proposed and implemented in engineering practice methods of reliability and assessment of seismic stability of the main circulating pumps
On the orders of the Sumy enterprises JSC "Symy NPO of Frunze," and VNIIkompressormash
- new designs of rotor seals of turbochargers for gas compressor units
- methods and programs of dynamic and structural calculations of unique machines, produced by these organizations
Problems of vibroation reliability and tightness of powerful pumps of thermal and nuclear power plants are also solved by the order of the Leningrad Metal Plant, and Equipment judicial power plants - under contracts with the Leningrad NPO "Proletarian Works" (St. Petersburg, Russia).
All of this has greatly enriched the material base of the Laboratory:
- designed and manufactured a unique experimental test benches for studying the dynamics of rotors with the rotational speed 20,000 min-1
- acquired the equipment and instrumentation of known firms "Bruel and Kierre" (Denmark), "Schenk" (Germany), etc.